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  • I started BtSEO in February 2007. BtSEO Markets Websites.

    I Founded Kinetic Die Casting Corporation in 1994. In 1997, I hired a well known marketing and publishing company to market my company listings, including my website. This marketing company specializes in manufacturing company marketing. The marketing contracts I agreed to sign were for thousands of dollars a year. The internet was new and dial-up was the most common means to view websites. I paid the marketing company to list my site in their book of manufacturing companies and for "hotlinks" from their websites. I received inquries from the book listings but not from my website.

    In 2004, after paying thousands of dollars every year, for seven years, for website marketing, I discovered that When I seached for KDC, we were listed on Yahoo on the 30th page of search results, for the term: "die casting company"

    A SERP (search Engine Results Position) ranking of 300th or worse is terrible. Who would look through 30 pages of Yahoo search results and find my website? I could not find KDC listed for "die casting company" on Google, MSN, or any of the other search engines. Since "die casting company" is what we are all about, it is very important that we get found on search engines using that search term. Additionaly, I could not find KDC listed on Google (for any search term).

    I was paying 10's of 1000's of dollars, to be listed on search engines, very poorly?

    In March 2005, Upon advice from friends, I took over marketing the KDC website on search engines. I have been working on improving internet marketing, Search Engine Marketing (SEM). I use many forms of marketing such as:

    1. Search Engine Submissions including a direct submission into Google, Yahoo and MSN.
    2. I have optimized the website so there are many first page listings on many search engines.
    3. I control a PPC (Pay Per Click) program to improve results in other areas.

    Website Traffic
    In 2004, the Alexa Ranking for KDC was over 4,000,000 (a very bad ranking), as a result of my marketing efforts, KDC has improved it's Alexa Traffic Ranking significantly. Alexa traffic rank reports how many "hits" or how much website traffic (visitors) a website gets. This traffic includes search engine spiders as well as people searching for your specific website terms. KDC traffic improved from being listed in higher than 4,000,000 websites or worse, in 2004, to a listing of the top 1,000,000 websites, or better, in 2007. This ranking continues to improve as more time passes.

    This is the current
    Alexa Traffic Ranking
    Kinetic Die Casting (KDC)

    As you can see on this Alexa Traffic, is ranked near the top 1,000,000 websites out of several million websites by Alexa. The lower the number the better, Google is ranked #1.

    PPC (Pay Per Click marketing)
    I began by using PPC to get my website listed high in the search results. With PPC, search engines will list your site along the side or at the top of the search results page listings on every search results page. PPC is easy and requires little effort on the marketing company to get results. PPC will allow a poorly optimized web page to get listed high in the search results as long as that position is paid. PPC does not improve the natural traffic to a web site or the natural search results positions.

    In 2005, a PPC (pay per click) listing for "Die Casting Company" became $2.40 per click. I was spending $60 a day to stay on the first page of Google. It became too costly for me to continue using PPC.

    SERPs (Search Engine Results Positions)
    I then started optimizing my website and marketing to rank the site higher in the search results, in other words, improving the natural search rankings, instead of the paid search rankings. I received a lot of assistance from friends to develop my marketing talent. Those friends include: Genie Livingstone, Kraig Van Der Klomp, and Chris Conant.

    I spent thousands of hours marketing my site and thousands of dollars every year. I learned 100s of new ways to use website marketing. I have offered to help other companies but have discovered it is too costly for me to do it for free any more.

    As a result of my efforts, KDC now has thousands of first page search engine listings and hundreds of Google first page listings including a few dozen first position listings that drop down a few positions and become the first listing again depending on the marketing activities of my competitors.

    I am suppling a few links to get the current Google Search Result Rankings for a few "Keywords". These keywords are search listings that KDC is optimized for in the "natural" search engine listings. There are dozens of websites that copy my website content every year to improve their website listings also.

    At one point my website was ranked #1 for a search term that had over 100,000,000 Google search results, "aluminum parts".

    These are all first page Google listings.
    Kinetic Die Casting Company
    Die casting company
    Aluminum die casting parts
    Aluminum heatsink parts
    Golf ball heater
    Roofing tilemolds
    Aluminum brackets
    Aluminum lighting fixtures
    Aluminum auto parts
    Die cast tooling

    These are first page listings.
    Aluminum die casting
    Zinc die casting company
    die casting information
    die casting alloys
    Hardware die casting
    Military die casting
    Lighting die casting
    Aerospace die casting
    Automotive die casting
    die casting parts
    Good die castings
    American die casting company
    California die casting company
    USA die casting company
    Die casting blog
    Los Angeles Die Casting Company

    Search Engine

    Website marketing
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